GM crops: overview
This overview section includes an explanation of how GM crops are created and the companies involved, including examples of commercial conflicts of interest.
The main environmental, health and socio-economic issues associated with GM crops and foods are also outlined. More detail is given on a crop-by-crop basis in the GM crops: current situation and GM crops: under development sections of this website.
This overview section also includes some information about the debate about whether GM crops are needed to feed the world.
You can find all these subsections using the menu on the right.
- Press articles
- Independent Science News: The Failure of GMO Cotton In India (8th September 2020)
- Mother Jones: Just One Small Problem With This Major Report on GMO Safety (5th March 2017)
- Lakefield Standard: A shift away from GMO (20th February 2017)
- EcoWatch: National Research Council GMO Study Compromised by Industry Ties (16th May 2016)
- Daily Mail: GM farming is creating superweeds and resistant bugs: Controversial technology has created a 'major agricultural problem' (17th May 2016)
- The Independent: GM crops are neither 'a panacea' nor 'monsters' but are 'pretty much just crops', expert says (18th May 2016)
- Huffington Post: U.S. Review of GMO Crops Finds Risks and Rewards, Says More Transparency Needed (17th May 2016)
- USA Today: What are genetically engineered foods? Your questions answered (17th May 2016)
- Chicago Tribune: Report: GMO crops not harmful to humans, but weed resistance is a problem (17th May 2016)
- Food, Farming and Biotechnology: GM Foods: A Moment of Honesty (29th July 2015)
- New York Times: Another 'Too Big to Fail' System in G.M.O.s (13th July 2015)
- Union of Concerned Scientists: Genetic Technology's Answer to A Major Insect Pest (29th July 2013)
- ABC: Study: no yield advantage with GM crops (24th June 2013)
- Food Consumer: 10 reasons why we don't need GM foods (4th May 2013)
- The Guardian: The biofuel belt keeps creeping across the US - and it's wildlife that loses out (1st March 2013)
- The Ecologist: The GM lobby and its 'seven sins against science' (31sr December 2012)
- External links
- National Academies Press: Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects (2016)
- ACB, TWN, RALLT: What next after a ban on glyphosate - more toxic chemicals and GM crops? (June 2015)
- Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (India): Genetically modified foods and crops (2013)
- TestBiotech: 30 Years of genetically engineered plants - Consequences of commercial growing in the US (1st February 2013)
- EarthOpenSource: GMO Myths and Truths (June 2012)