Press Releases
- 2023
- 2018
- Joint PR: Release of risky GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso highly unethical 9th November 2018
- GeneWatch UK and Testbiotech PR: Inadequate procedure led to transgenic crop approvals: European Ombudsman starts investigation 25th October 2018
- GeneWatch UK and GM Freeze PR: Campaign groups demand action as Rothamsted Research GM field trial is ruled unlawful 24th July 2018
- GeneWatch UK PR: Failed in the Field? New evidence of failures of Oxitec's GM mosquito trials 13th May 2018
Joint PR: No benefit to imminent release of risky GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso
12th February 2018
Joint PR: Un lacher imminent et risque de moustiques genetiquement modifies au Burkina Faso sans benefices escomptes
12th February 2018
- 2017
- GeneWatch UK and Human Rights Watch PR: Kuwait: Court Strikes Down Draconian DNA Law 16th October 2017
- GeneWatch UK PR: New documents show Oxitec's GM mosquitoes ineffective and risky 3rd September 2017
- GeneWatch UK PR: Cornell Diamondback moth is just another GM failure 13th August 2017
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM mosquito questions still need answers 1st March 2017
- 2016
- Joint PR: Independent scientists set up international research project 17th November 2016
- Joint PR: Court Documents Reveal Oxitec's Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Could Cause Increased Numbers of Different Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes 28th September 2016
- Testbiotech and GeneWatch UK PR: Conflicts of interest played down by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 14th June 2016
- Joint PR: Groups Question USDA and Cornell University Over Lack of Transparency in Genetically Engineered Moth Experiments 14th June 2016
- Joint PR: Warning that transgenic maize in Spain could spread uncontrollably 21st April 2016
- Joint PR: Commission fails to regulate new GMOs after intense US lobbying 20th April 2016
- GeneWatch UK PR: Expansions of police DNA databases worldwide urgently need human rights safeguards 16th February 2016
- Testbiotech and GeneWatch UK PR: Commission admits that toxic mixes in genetically engineered soybeans need to be assessed 19th January 2016
- 2015
- Joint Testbiotech and GeneWatch UK PR: After pressure from industry: EU Commission wants to allow the import of genetically engineered "toxic" soybeans 7th April 2016
- GeneWatch UK and TestBiotech PR: Warning to EU Member States not to allow new genetically engineered soybeans with resistance to glyphosate for import 17th November 2015
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM wheat trial failure highlights poor GM success rate, need to invest in other R and D 24th June 2015
- Joint PR: Groups Urge New York State Government, Cornell University to Notify Public About Genetically Enginereed Diamondback Moth Field Trial 9th June 2015
- GeneWatch UK PR: EU approval of new GM crop for import condemned for increasing use of toxic weedkiller 24th April 2015
- GeneWatch UK PR: Shoppers warned not to buy gene tests from Superdrug 29th March 2015
Joint Statement: EU trade secrets directive threat to free speech, health, environment and worker mobility
23rd March 2015
- GeneWatch UK PR: Superbugs warning for genetically modified insect factories 4th February 2015
- 2014
Joint Statement: EU trade secrets directive threat to health, environment, free speech and worker mobility
17th December 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Consumers warned not to buy unregulated gene tests online 2nd December 2014
- GeneWatch PR: Caribbean Governments warned against GM mosquito releases 13th November 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Genetically Modified (GM) salmon company fined for environmental violations in Panama 29th October 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Second-generation GM crops: an environmental disaster 15th October 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Supermarkets must wake up to environmental harm caused by imported GM feed 26th August 2014
- Joint PR: Alarm at renewed dengue emergency situation in municipality where GM mosquito trials conducted 7th July 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Committee spreads misinformation about GM crops to be grown in England 30th June 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Paterson and GM industry work together to open England up to RoundUp Ready GM crops 8th June 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Genetically modified maggots expected in fruit imports after go-ahead for Brazil GM fruit fly experiments 3rd June 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Genetic information is irrelevant to most people's care 3rd June 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: UK Government and GM industry collusion exposed 5th May 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Defra battles to keep public in the dark over GM industry influence on policy and media 14th April 2014
- Joint Press Release: Brazil warned world's first commercial release of GM mosquitoes requires full public consultation (10th April 2014) 9th April 2014
- Joint PR: Environment groups condemn Paterson's plans to plant RoundUp Ready GM crops in England 10th March 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM potato research a waste of money 17th February 2014
- Comunicado de Prensa de GeneWatch UK: La falta de evaluacion de riesgos para los experimentos de mosquitos transgenicos es negligente, dice GeneWatch 12th February 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Lack of risk assessment for GM mosquito experiments is negligent, says GeneWatch 12th February 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Supermarkets must stop harm to Monarch Butterfly, end GM animal feed use 30th January 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Risks of Panama's GM mosquito experiments must not be hidden from the public 29th January 2014
- Comunicado de Prensa de GeneWatch UK: Los riesgos de los experimentos con mosquitos transgenicos en Panama no deben ocultarse a la poblacion 29th January 2014
- Testbiotech, GeneWatch UK and the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) PR: Stop risky herbicide 2,4-D (27th January 2014) 27th January 2014
Joint Statement: EU trade secrets directive threat to health, environment, free speech and worker mobility
- 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Halt to plans to release GM olive flies in Spain welcomed 9th December 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM salmon: flaws exposed in environmental oversight at Panama facility 21st November 2013
- Joint Press Release: Non-native strains of genetically modified (GM) insects risk spread of pesticide resistance 3rd October 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Planned releases of genetically modified (GM) fruit flies should be halted until food contamination issues are addressed 3rd September 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Second generation of GM crops resistant to more toxic weedkillers expose industry's diversionary PR strategy 29th August 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Paterson's pro-GM speech raises questions about his role in Government 19th June 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: New study finds European GM-free farming outperforms GM farming in United States 18th June 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM crops a poor choice for Britain 11th June 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GeneWatch UK report exposes plans to build a DNA database by stealth in the NHS 22nd May 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Response to EFSA Guidance on risk assessment of GM animals 22nd May 2013
- Joint PR: China moves to source GM-free soya supplies: why will Tesco not do the same in Britain? 22nd April 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GeneWatch UK slams adoption of GM animals guidance by EU advisory committee 17th April 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Tesco misleads customers on GM chicken feed and bows to pressure from Monsanto 10th April 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM insects in food, environment: European Ombudsman investigates conflicts-of-interest at EU regulator 26th March 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Government moves to allow DNA database of whole population to be built in NHS without consent 28th January 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GeneWatch warns of conflicts-of-interest in parliament on GM crops 4th January 2013
- 2012
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM industry fund parliamentary group to promote return of GM crops to Britain 27th November 2012
- GeneWatch UK PR: Taxpayers' R&D spend needs more accountability: stop wasting it on PR for GM crops 23rd November 2012
- Joint PR: Regulatory decisions on releasing genetically modified (GM) insects biased by corporate interests 8th November 2012
- GeneWatch UK and GM Freeze Press Release: Monsanto meets ministers to push return of GM crops to Britain 24th October 2012
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM mosquito trial results in Cayman pour cold water on claimed benefits (10th September 2012) 9th September 2012
- GeneWatch UK PR: Billions of genetically modified bugs will spread in fruit and veg under new EU proposals (23rd August 2012) 22nd August 2012
- GeneWatch UK Press Release: GM mosquito risks still not properly assessed (10th August 2012) 9th August 2012
- GeneWatch PR: Cameron backs plan for DNA database of whole population in the NHS (1st August 2012) 31st July 2012
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch welcomes MPs' report on sustainable food and MEP's decision to halt patents on conventionally-bred plants 12th May 2012
- GeneWatch and Testbiotech PR: Data from Monsanto do not meet basic scientific standards (2nd February 2012) 2nd February 2012
- GeneWatch PR: Response to human genome report 25th January 2012
- GeneWatch, Friends of the Earth, Third World Network PR: Company conceals evidence that genetically modified mosquitoes may have high survival rate in wild (12th January 2012) 12th January 2012
- GeneWatch PR: New study exposes flawed claims of genome revolution 4th January 2012
- 2011
- GeneWatch PR: NHS data-sharing plans could lead to secret DNA database in the NHS 5th December 2011
- GeneWatch UK and Testbiotech PR: Safety of Monsanto's synthetic-toxin maize to be re-examined 27th July 2011
- GeneWatch PR: Google's gene test company 23andMe proves its own business is useless 27th June 2011
- GeneWatch PR: Drought tolerant GM corn will not feed the world 12th May 2011
- GeneWatch PR: Genome benefit claims flawed 10th May 2011
- GeneWatch PR: Response to study of parents who want to gene test children 17th April 2011
- GeneWatch PR: Pre-conception gene tests can be dangerous and misleading 4th April 2011
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch response to police DNA figures 23rd March 2011
- GeneWatch PR: Scientists and Royals both have responsibility for human rights 12th March 2011
- GeneWatch, CRG and PI PR: Prince Andrew linked to Blair plan to DNA test whole population of UAE 11th March 2011
- GeneWatch PR: Statement on One Show DNA case (12th January 2011) 12th January 2011
- GeneWatch PR: New drought-tolerant corn welcomed (5th January 2011) 5th January 2011
- 2010
- GeneWatch PR: British Overseas Territory used as private lab for GM mosquito company 14th December 2010
- GeneWatch PR: Response to cloned animal reports 26th November 2010
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch slams voluntary gene test guidelines 3rd August 2010
- GeneWatch PR: Nobel prizewinners, tobacco funding and the human genome 23rd June 2010
- GeneWatch PR: New GM dialogue resignation welcomed 1st June 2010
- GeneWatch PR: FSA set to waste over half a million pounds on PR exercise for GM industry 26th May 2010
- GeneWatch PR: Response to UK Biobank recruitment 23rd April 2010
- GeneWatch PR: Home secretary misleading public on DNA 8th April 2010
- GeneWatch PR: Bioeconomy a science fantasy: new GeneWatch report 25th March 2010
- GeneWatch PR: Response to MPs' report on bioengineering 25th March 2010
- GeneWatch PR: Genomes for all: bad for health and the end of privacy 4th January 2010
- 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Response to Government DNA proposals 11th November 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Response to Monsanto's omega-3 GM soybean 27th October 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Response to Royal Society agriculture report 20th October 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Agrofuels and the use of Genetic Modification 10th August 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Lords Committee likely to fail public on gene test regulation 5th July 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Home Office drags its feet on DNA database removals (7th May 2009) 6th May 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Innocent urged to reclaim their DNA (27th April 2009) 26th April 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Biotech budget would devastate NHS (20th April 2009) 19th April 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Brown's Science Speech (27th February 2009) 27th February 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Police privacy pledge welcome, but where is Government? 28th January 2009
- GeneWatch PR: Data-sharing Bill will build national DNA database in NHS 26th January 2009
- 2008
- GeneWatch PR: Human rights groups welcome European judges DNA decision 4th December 2008
- GeneWatch PR: Response to police powers review 28th August 2008
- GeneWatch PR: Reponse to HGC Citizens' Inquiry on DNA 29th July 2008
- GeneWatch PR: New proposals mean medical records and DNA data will be shared with industry without consent 10th July 2008
- GeneWatch PR: Response to PM's 'Security and Liberty' speech 16th June 2008
- GeneWatch PR: Response to MPs' surveillance society report 7th June 2008
- GeneWatch PR: Biotech Industry Escapes Responsibility for its GM Crops in England but Not in Wales 29th February 2008
- GeneWatch PR: GM Contamination Continues Cause Problems Around The World. 28th February 2008
- GeneWatch PR: Twins study obesity claims irresponsible, says GeneWatch UK 7th February 2008
- 2007
- GeneWatch PR: Regulation needed to prevent human genome from becoming massive marketing scam 29th October 2007
- GeneWatch PR: Why won't the GM industry take responsibility for its crops? 25th September 2007
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch response to the Nuffield report on forensic use of DNA 17th September 2007
- GeneWatch PR: Response to UK Biobank recruitment drive 10th September 2007
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch response to calls to expand the National DNA Database 4th September 2007
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch welcomes citizens' inquiry into police use of DNA 1st August 2007
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch welcomes MPs' call for strong 'polluter pays' legislation. 11th July 2007
- GeneWatch PR: Stitch-up of DNA law in Northern Ireland will undermine trust in policing 31st May 2007
- GeneWatch & ARCH PR: Over 100,000 innocent young people now on the National DNA Database 21st May 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- GeneWatch PR: First on-line worldwide register of GM contamination incidents launched today 31st May 2005
- GeneWatch PR: Pre-election survey of political parties' views on GM foods and human genetic testing 30th March 2005
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK welcomes rejection of "bar-coding babies" plan. 30th March 2005
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK response to the Science and Technology Committee report 'Forensic Science on Trial' 28th March 2005
- GeneWatch PR: Allowing sex selection leaves door wide open for designer babies. 24th March 2005
- GeneWatch PR: Genetically modified winter oilseed rape - bad for the environment and bad for farmers. 21st March 2005
- GeneWatch PR: New Study Overturns Claimed Wildlife Benefits of GM Crops 15th March 2005
- GeneWatch PR: Gene test insurance deal inadequate: GeneWatch UK comment on announcement of deal between the Government and insurance industry 14th March 2005
- GeneWatch PR: Police DNA database needs stronger safeguards for privacy and human rights 12th January 2005
- GeneWatch PR: A sales pitch not science - Oxford University attacked for marketing of misleading 'nicotine addiction' gene test 4th January 2005
- 2004
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK criticises marketing scam behind Healthcare Industries Task Force 17th November 2004
- GeneWatch PR: HFEA decision making process on embryo selection "a disgrace in a democratic society". 1st November 2004
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK calls on HFEA to make decisions on cloning in the open and not behind closed doors 28th September 2004
- GeneWatch PR: New approach to science and technology needed: GeneWatch UK publishes report on Government's response to GM debate. 23rd June 2004
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK Welcomes New NHS Guideline for Familial Breast Cancer 22nd June 2004
- GeneWatch PR: International coalition of public interest groups intervenes in WTO GM dispute: WTO must not act as stooge of the biotech industry 26th May 2004
- GeneWatch PR: EU Commission Gives into US Pressure on GM maize 18th May 2004
- GeneWatch PR: UK Government ignores science, Parliament and public concerns on GM crops. GeneWatch UK response to the Government's GM policy announcement 9th March 2004
- GeneWatch PR: Leaked document reveals GM crop growing to go ahead. Government plans presentational strategy. 12th February 2004
- GeneWatch PR: GM animals high in omega-3 fatty acids: scientist ready to cash in via patent. GeneWatch UK response to paper published in Nature today 5th February 2004
- GeneWatch PR: Belgian decision will prevent GM oilseed rape being grown in Britain 2nd February 2004
- GeneWatch PR: GM Herbicide-Tolerant Oilseed rape: Belgian Adivce Means European Ban Likely. 29th January 2004
- GeneWatch PR: Biotech Companies Should Withdraw GM Crop Applications 13th January 2004
- 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Drug-producing GM crops: More safeguards and research needed. 9th December 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Genetically Modified Foods: Put the Consumer First. 3rd December 2003
- GeneWatch PR: The GM debate: learning the lessons. 21st October 2003
- GeneWatch PR: GM crops harmful to wildlife: another reason to halt commercialisation. 15th October 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Legal loophole allows genetic discrimination in the workplace. 24th September 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Time for Government to act on public concerns and halt the commercialisation 23rd September 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Main ethical questions about genetic sampling sidelined in biotech industry's favour: GeneWatch UK response to UK Biobank "Ethics and Governance Framework" 23rd September 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Brussels bureaucrats increase GM conflict by sacrificing organic non-GM standards: 22nd July 2003
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK response to the GM Science Review 20th July 2003
- GeneWatch PR: No good reason to pursue GM crop commercialisation in the UK now: GeneWatch UK response to Prime Minister's Strategy Unit Report on GM crops 10th July 2003
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK response to Government White Paper on Genetics: Safeguards against genetic discrimination insufficient 23rd June 2003
- GeneWatch PR: NGOs Agree Main Issues in GM Debate 1st June 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Food Standards Agency Hides Unanimous Findings Of Citizens' Jury That GM Crops Should Not Be Grown In The UK Now - GeneWatch UK Challenges The FSA To Come Clean 8th May 2003
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK response to the Human Genetics Commission's 'Genes Direct' report. 8th April 2003
- GeneWatch PR: GM Public Debate 'meaningless' unless Government halts GM commercialisation decisions 3rd March 2003
- GeneWatch PR: Should Britain grow GM crops? Michael Meacher opens first public debate 6th February 2003
- GeneWatch UK: GeneWatch UK welcomes advice to ministers to regulate genetic tests. 5th February 2003
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK condemns production of cloned GM cattle with altered milk composition 27th January 2003
- 2002
- GeneWatch PR: GM experiments to create new life forms could take place in the UK without public debate, GeneWatch UK warns 22nd November 2002
- GeneWatch PR: Lords seek to fiddle figures on GM animals in UK labs 23rd July 2002
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK response to the Human Genetics Commission's announcement 15th July 2002
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK welcomes MEPs' vote to give consumers choice about GM food 2nd July 2002
- GeneWatch PR: Parliament finally talks about Biobank UK 1st July 2002
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK welcomes the Royal Society's call for all facts on GM and cloned animals to be made available to the public 9th June 2002
- GeneWatch PR: High-street stores reject Sciona's human genetic testing 6th June 2002
- GeneWatch PR: Leaked document exposes Government failure to regulate human genetic tests 3rd June 2002
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch response to Human Genetics Commission report on personal genetic information 20th May 2002
- GeneWatch PR: Inadequate controls causing untold suffering of GM and cloned animals 14th May 2002
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK Challenges the Commercialisation of UK's First GM Crop at Hearing in Manchester 28th April 2002
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK challenges the MRC, Wellcome Trust and Department of Health to allow an independent scientific peer review of Biobank UK 21st April 2002
- GeneWatch PR: Royal Society Endorses GeneWatch UK Concerns on Regulation of GM Foods 6th February 2002
- GeneWatch PR: Doctors warned to press for safeguards before collecting patients' genes 14th January 2002
- 2001
- GeneWatch PR: Patent on life warning as links between Biotech companies and Japan Tobacco exposed 12th November 2001
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK Response to Insurance Industry Announcement on Genetic Tests 22nd October 2001
- GeneWatch PR: Patenting Genes – Stifling Research and Jeopardising Healthcare 29th January 2001
- 2000
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK calls for Syngenta, the new world leader in GM crops, to abandon Terminator and Traitor Technology 10th October 2000
- GeneWatch PR: Thai ministry of public health distances itself from Monsanto in response to leaked memo 19th September 2000
- GeneWatch PR: Monsanto's desperate propaganda campaign reaches global proportions 5th September 2000
- GeneWatch PR: Dr Sue Mayer, GeneWatch UK's Director Appointed to Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission 4th June 2000
- GeneWatch PR: New GM foods offer no consumer benefits 12th April 2000
- GeneWatch PR: Massive public support for tighter control of GM waste 10th January 2000
- 1999
- GeneWatch PR: New research on safety assessment of GM crops sheds light on risk controversies 28th September 1999
- GeneWatch PR: ASA rules that Monsanto adverts were misleading: GeneWatch UK complaints upheld 9th August 1999
- GeneWatch PR: Farm scale trials with GM oilseed rape could cover 12,350 acres in 2000 22nd July 1999
- GeneWatch PR: GM micro-organisms released into the environment every day across the uk, says new GeneWatch UK report 27th June 1999
- GeneWatch PR: Government Still Floundering and Out of Touch Over Genetically Modified Foods 20th May 1999
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch Calls for Monsanto to Apologise and to Sack their Spin Doctors 28th February 1999
- GeneWatch PR: GM Could be Used in up to 90% of Processed Food, Says GeneWatch UK 15th February 1999
- GeneWatch PR: House of Lords Lets Down Consumers and the Environment 21st January 1999
- 1998
- GeneWatch PR: Industry and Government admit not enough is known about genetically modified crops – But consumers will still be eating them. 20th October 1998
- GeneWatch PR: 77% of the public believe there should be a ban on growing genetically engineered crops and food in Britain. 13th June 1998
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK Calls For A Halt On Growing Genetically Engineered Oilseed Rape 11th June 1998