
Recent Articles

  • Briefing 20: Animal Cloning: Industrialising Animals? portable document file (PDF)
    31st July 2002

    8 pages

    Since Dolly the sheep became the first animal to be cloned from an adult cell, attempts have been made to clone many different species. This briefing reviews animal cloning and considers what it means for the animals involved and our relationship with them.

  • Briefing 19: Animal Organs for Humans: The Science and Ethics of Xenotransplantation. portable document file (PDF)
    31st May 2002

    8 pages.

    Xenotransplantation is the term used to describe the transfer of organs, cells or tissues between species and from animals to humans. Since there is a shortfall in the number of human organs available for transplantation and patients in need, it has been proposed that organs from animals could be used instead.

    Because of problems with the rejection of animal organs by the human immune system, attempts are being made to genetically modify animals (mainly pigs) to make them more suitable as organ donors. This briefing examines the science, ethics and safety issues involved.

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