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New Genetic Engineering Techniques
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EC study on new genomic techniques (29th April 2021)
Gene Tip: Gene Drives at Tipping Points - Precautionary Technology Assessment and Governance of New Approaches to Genetically Modified Animal and Plant Populations (April 2020)
GMWatch: Science supports need to subject gene-edited plants to strict safety assessments (20th November 2019)
TWN: Gene drives: A summary of legal and regulatory issues (Oct 2019)
TWN: Key elements in a legal and regulatory framework for gene drive organisms (October 2019)
US RTK: Gene Editing Mishaps Highlight Need for FDA Oversight (17th October 2019)
CSS, VDR, ENSSER: Gene Drives
MaxPlanckSociety: The Insect Allies program - genetically modified viruses in agriculture (20th September 2019)
Friends of the Earth: Gene-edited animals will intensify factory farming and the climate crisis, could harm human health (17th September 2019)
Corporate Europe Observatory: US pressure on EU to de-regulate new GM (24th July 2019)
STEPS Centre: Choreographed Consensus: The stifling of dissent at CRISPRcon 2019 (28th June 2019)
GMWatch: Coming to your dinner plate soon? (17th June 2019)
Friends of the Earth: Gene-edited organisms in agriculture: Risks and unexpected consequences (September 2018)
IATP: Regulate new GE techniques? U.S. (never) vs. EU (yes) (8th August 2018)
ECJ: Organisms obtained by mutagenesis are GMOs and are, in principle, subject to the obligations laid down by the GMO Directive (25th July 2018)
Report of the Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology (ECNH): Precaution in the environmental field: Ethical requirements for the regulation of new biotechnologies (May 2018)
Keine neue Gentechnik durch die Hintertuere!
Court of Justice of the European Union PR: According to Advocate General Bobek, organisms obtained by mutagenesis are, in principle, exempted from the obligations in the Genetically Modified Organisms Directive (18th January 2018)
ECJ: OPINION OF ADVOCATE GENERAL BOBEK: Case C‑528/16 (18th January 2018)
IFOAM: The organic food and farming movement calls for the regulation of new genetic engineering techniques as GMOs (15th January 2018)
IFOAM: Position Paper: Compatibility of Breeding Techniques in Organic Systems (January 2017)
Gene Drive Files
Friends of the Earth Australia: Emerging Tech Project (Video) (November 2017)
BfR: Risikowahrnehmung von Genome Editing: Vorbehalte und großes Informationsbedürfnis vorhanden (24th October 2017)
TACD: Reporting back on the 'Modern Biotechnology in Agriculture' conference (11th October 2017)
Steinbrecher & Paul (2017) New Genetic Engineering Techniques: Precaution, Risk, and the Need to Develop Prior Societal Technology Assessment
African Centre for Biodiversity: DECEPTION OR DISHONESTY? A critical review of the Academy of Science in South Africa’s (ASSAf’s) report on second generation GMOs (22nd June 2017)
The Greens: New GMOs (15th June 2017)
ETC Group: 160 Global Groups Call for Moratorium on New Genetic Extinction Technology at UN Convention (5th December 2016)
Friends of the Earth: Organic standards will exclude next generation of GMOs (21st November 2016)
VLOG: VLOG fordert strikte Regeln fuer neue Gentechnikverfahren (9th November 2016)
L'inf'OGM: Genetically modifying a plant is far from harmless (30th September 2016)
L'inf'OGM: Genetically modifying a plant is far from being harmless (follow-up) (30th September 2016)
Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Genome editing: an ethical review (30th September 2016)
Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue: Resolution on consumer concerns about new genetic engineering techniques (7th September 2016)
Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue PR: New policy resolution on consumer concerns about new genetic engineering techniques (7th September 2016)
Friends of the Eearth: Permanently changing a species: What could go wrong? (8th June 2016)
UCCSNAL: Open letter fron the Union of Concerned Scientists on New Technologies (10th May 2016)
IATP: U.S. tries to export its biotech deregulatory regime (2nd May 2016)
Heinemann (2016): Expert scientific opinion on the status of certain new techniques of genetic modification under Directive 2001/18/EC
Independent Science News: God's Red Pencil? CRISPR and The Three Myths of Precise Genome Editing (25th April 2016)
TestBiotech: Seed giants active around new methods of genetic engineering (2nd March 2016)
Risk Bites: Can we eliminate diseases like Zika, dengue and malaria using gene drives? (30th November 2015)
Greenpeace: Application of the EU and Cartagena definitions of a GMO to the classification of plants developed by cisgenesis and gene-editing techniques (November 2015)
Corporate Europe Observatory: TTIP: released emails show biotech, seeds on the trade talks table (2nd July 2015)
InfOGM: EU - According to a lobby group : new plant breeding techniques do not give rise to GMOs (29th September 2014)
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