Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
The Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a trade agreement which began to be negotiated between the EU and the USA in 2013. It is expected to lead to deregulation in many areas of trade. This includes trade in genetically modified (GM) crops and food and in data flows of medical and genetic data, relevant to human genetic testing.
However, the TTIP is expected to be dropped following the election of US President Donald Trump.
- Press articles
- Reuters: U.S. trade talks in deep freeze after Trump win, says EU (11th November 2016)
- BBC: TTIP trade talks 'likely to stop', warns French minister (3rd May 2016)
- The Guardian: Leaked TTIP documents cast doubt on EU-US trade deal (1st May 2016)
- EurActiv: Brussels makes overture on 'data flow' agreement in TTIP (20th March 2015)
- EurActiv: TTIP will sacrifice food safety for faster trade, warn NGOs (28th August 2014)
- EurActiv: TTIP documents could be made public after EU court ruling (4th July 2014)
- New York Times: U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food (17th June 2014)
- AgProfessional: U.S. says science should settle farm debates in trade with EU (17th June 2014)
- France 24: Is US 'chlorinated chicken' and GM food headed to the EU? (15th May 2014)
- Global Policy: More than Regional Investment Protection - ISDS in the EU-US trade agreement (8th May 2014)
- RT: EU fear of GM food from US hampers historic trade deal (13th March 2014)
- The Economic Voice: Cameron's arguments for EU-US trade deal 'deeply flawed' (12th March 2014)
- FT: EU and US pressed to drop dispute-settlement rule from trade deal (10th March 2014)
- EurActiv: American agriculture: Go Europe (22nd October 2013)
- EU Observer: Trade chief misleads on GM foods (17th February 2014)
- The Independent: British sovereignty 'at risk' from EU-US trade deal: UK in danger of surrendering judicial independence to multinational corporations, warn activists (14th January 2014)
- Charlotte McDonald-Gibson: Good for business or bad for democracy? The new US-EU free-trade talks are raising concerns (16th November 2013)
- BBC: EU and US edge toward trade deal (15th November 2013)
- Reuters: Consumer, green groups voice fears over EU-U.S. trade deal (12th November 2013)
- The Guardian: This transatlantic trade deal is a full-frontal assault on democracy (4th November 2013)
- External links
- IATP: U.S. tries to export its biotech deregulatory regime (2nd May 2016)
- Greenpeace: TTIP Leaks (2nd May 2016)
- EC: State of Play of TTIP negotiations ahead of the 6th round of the negotiations (11th July 2014)
- Center for Food Safety: Report Warns TTIP Could Undermine Critical Food Safety and Environmental Regulations (14th May 2014)
- House of Lords: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (13th May 2014)
- TesBiotech: Free trade for 'high-risk biotech'? Press release (23rd January 2014)
- TestBiotech: Free trade for 'high-risk biotech'? Report (December 2013)
- Civil Society Letter to President Barack Obama, President Jose Manuel Barroso, and President Herman Van Rompuy (11th November 2013)
- Public Citizen: The Trans-Atlantic "Free Trade" Agreement (TAFTA) U.S. and European Corporations' Latest Venue to Attack Consumer and Environmental Safeguards?